
Getting Started with JavaScript


Introduction to JavaScript

JavaScript is arguably the most widespread language around the world, aimed at making webpages less static and more engaging. It is one of the core parts of front end development as it enables the developers to enrich the websites through the addition of animations, forms and other complex interactions. For English learners with the motivation of coding, JavaScript provides an excellent platform to both practice a language and learn coding.

In this article we will look at what our JavaScript is, why it is useful in web development, what are the main concepts and how to do coding with this language.

What is Java Script?

Java script is a scripting language that is widely used to bring dynamism to the content available on the web. The scripting language was created in about the mid-1990s to improve the interactivity of the web sites. Nowadays, Java Script can be classified as one of the core components of any website since every single modern web page uses it in combination with HTML that defines the content layout and CSS that decorates the page.

JavaScript enhances user experiences by providing dynamism to a webpage. For example, a JavaScript-based webpage has a lot more interactivity compared to a static HTML-only page. Besides form handling, JavaScript can also be used to create animations on the page.

JavaScript is a client-server based programming language that speaks both a web browser and a server. In terms of web browser usage, when JavaScript is employed, the Java program operates fully from inside the browser, modifying the webpage depending on interactions through things such as filling out forms, or simply clicking buttons. Servers are also in the languages grasp as it serves content, maintains databases and even performs other operations.

How to Begin Using JavaScript

To begin using JavaScript, you'll first need a dev environment. The easily available web browser alongside a text along with a text editor eliminates the need for special software. Moreover, to program with Java, you don't need to customize any environment as it follows low customizability requirements.

1. Text Editor : As JavaScript is a code-based language, it requires a text editor. Good examples of these are Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text and Atom among others. These programs offer essential aspects such as code structure diagrams alongside syntax maps among others which are crucial in ensuring efficient development processes.

2. Web Browser : Also, you have to keep in mind that JavaScript is present in web browsers, so you will require one to test your code. Built-in features provided by web browsers such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Edge enable users to view and tweak the code within the browser.

A text editor and a web browser are all that you require to be able to commence writing in JavaScript.

Basic Structure of JavaScript

Let us have a look at the primary fundamentals of JavaScript, where I would like to highlight that its primary language structure is, rather than complex, more user-friendly to people who are just starting out. Which can be stated as, the fenced structure of javascript's code consists of variables, functions and operators. We can examine them in details:

1. Variables : A variable can be looked at as much as a box where information is kept in, a header is applied to it so that it can be remembered and retrieved easily when needed in the future. To put raised information into a variable in the set of javascript, one has to put the string 'let', 'const' or 'var' preceding it.


Variable Example

  let name = "John";
const age = 25;
In this case, for instance, name is defined as that which remembers the phrase 'John' while age remembers the number twenty five. The key variance which lies between 'let' and 'const' is that the latter establishes a constant, meaning that once its value has been allocated it cannot be altered.

2. Functions : In JavaScript, a function is a mechanism that allows encapsulation of tasks aiming to execute one or multiple instructions. The strength of a function lies in the fact that it can be used many times.


Function Example

  function greet() {
console.log ("Hello World!")
In this case, the function called greet() outputs on the screen 'hello world'. The function can be executed by calling the function with the same name greet() , or using greet .

3. Operators : In JavaScript, various tasks can be undertaken using operators such as arithmetic calculations, comparison and logical calculations, for example, an addition operator is represented by + and an equal to operator by === .


Operator Example

  let sum = 5 + 3; // Arithmetic
let isEqual = (5 === 3); // Comparison
In this case, sum will be equal to 9 while isEqual is going to be equal to false .

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